Zehava Ben - translation to γαλλικά
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Zehava Ben - translation to γαλλικά


Zehava Ben         
Zehava Ben, female Israeli singer


·- ·Alt. of Ben nut.
II. Ben ·- An old form of the ·pl indic. pr. of Be.
III. Ben ·noun A hoglike mammal of New Guinea (Porcula papuensis).
IV. Ben ·adv & ·prep Within; in; in or into the interior; toward the inner apartment.
V. Ben ·adv The inner or principal room in a hut or house of two rooms;
- opposed to but, the outer apartment.


Zehava Ben

Zehava Ben (born Zehava Benisti; Hebrew: זהבה בן; November 8, 1968) is an Israeli singer. Ben is one of the most popular Israeli female vocalists in the Mizrahi music genre; the Middle Eastern-style of singing rising from Israel's Mizrahi Jewish population, dominating Israeli music in the 1990s and popular ever since.